The goal of the Creative team is to promote and market the church and its programs through:

  • Lecture Series
  • Weekly bulletins
  • Print Promos
  • Creative Designs/Logos
  • Newsletters
  • Videos
  • Website Promos
  • Social Media
  • Photography

This means collaboration will take place with the pastor’s lecture series for that segment.  Collaboration will also take place with the Creative team to assure coordination.   


  1. A Servant’s Heart. The core motivation for the creative ministry is serving.  In Peter 4:10 it reads, Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.
  2. Organization.  This servant leader must have a love for organization and collaboration.  In 1 Corinthians 14:40 it reads, But all things should be done decently and in order.
  3. Expectations. The guidelines for the Creative team membership are:
    • personal relationship with Jesus Christ
    • a faith outlined by the creeds of the church
    • an active membership in the ongoing life of the church
  4. Commitment.  Attendance at workshops or training sessions, meeting an hour before service begins
  5. Preparation.  Preparation begins on a day other than Sunday.  Team will meet on a weekday to discuss ideas for the lecture series and promotions.
  6. Sacrifice.  Being on the staging team means sacrifice.  If you’re called to be part of the Creative team ministry, you’re not there just to enjoy and receive.  You’re worshiping in a different manner. You’re attentive to what God wants to do.


The Creative Team Leader will encounter all kinds of people and various degrees of personalities.  Hence, the following are practical suggestions for dealing with team members:

  1. Be sensitive.  This may be new to the member, so, be patient.
  2. Inspire.  Building an environment to freely be creative is important. 
  3. Mentor.  Be ready to guide, teach and support your team with their ideas. The goal is to help the member grow a sense of ownership to their position and to their church.